Monday, 21 May 2012

Lindsay's off to Bolivia, South America

As many of you know, Lindsay has a love for travel and adventure and today, she is leaving on a "jet plane" for Bolivia.  She has a 6 month contract with the Canadian Red Cross and off to Bolivia to coordinate a child's nutrition program with the Bolivian Red Cross.

Since learning she had the job, she has had many things on her "list to do", including going to Paris, subletting her apartment (like moving out!) and then packing for 6 months in a country that is opposite in weather to's going into Winter there now down there.

Last night we did the Happy Birthday Lindsay, Farewell and Happy Mother's Day all in One at the "Matahari Grill".

Lindsay, Ocean and Denise

Lindsay & Ocean
(let's see Ocean in 6 months when Lindsay returns, with the changes)

Victoria is famous for making great cards, which are keepsakes.  Here is my Mother's Day card!
Sunday morning walk on the Beach, kite flying!
I believe the kites represent Lindsay on her new adventure.  Wishing her lots of love, adventure and know that she will make a difference where-ever she goes.

P.S.  I am still working on Paris photos...more to come!

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